Information & Diversions

These are links for interest and amusement, plus a couple of promotions. See Useful Tools for Web-based resources related to communications, computing and online privacy.

Favourite Links

Living in Ottawa

The Weather Office

Get the straight goods from Environment Canada (all the other sites use their data anyway). In Ottawa, you need to know the weather forecast!

Ottawa Public Library

The OPL’s recently upgraded site gives users the ability to request titles and manage their accounts online. New community features encourage readers to make and share lists of their favourites and rate and review titles they’ve read, viewed or listened to. Huge list of online databases and learning tools, as well as sub-sites for children and teens. A great place for kids to learn how to use Web sites.

When you can’t listen to the radio, catch up on The ‘/ottawa’ section includes local news and a good local events listing. Radio 3 (Web radio) is a great way to discover new Canadian music and listen to new music from your favourites.

Local Products

Café Bean Fair Coffee

Delicious locally roasted, fair-trade certified, shade-grown organic coffee. And Open Hands helps with their Web site. Look for Bean Fair coffee in your end of the National Capital Region.

Urban Forest Naturals

Great locally made products. They make wonderful gifts too.


A great way to find unique handmade and vintage stuff. There’s also an option to search locally. Most Etse shops are operated by self-employed artists, artisans, crafters and collectors.



Ever had three items in the fridge and no idea what to do with them? Stick them into the search box at and see what pops up. It can be amazing. The site can also be a treasure trove of new ideas whenever cooking starts to get boring.

For local foodie info and deals check out Ron Eade’s Omnivore’s Ottawa:

Stonedance Bergamasco Sheepdogs

Stonedance is where both of our wonderful Bergamasco Sheepdogs, Bella and Rita, were born. Don’t miss the puppy gallery.


World Wide Words

Featuring new words, word histories, the background to words in the news, and the curiosities of native English speech.

Luciferous Logolepsy

A collection of over 9,000 obscure English words.

Gobbledygook Generator

Have you ever wanted to use meaningless, empty phrases that make it look like you know what you are talking about? Or maybe you want to avoid using them? This is amusing either way. Click to generate random pieces of business jargon.

The Postmodernism Generator

Completely meaningless and randomly generated essays on postmodern topics. Over five million essays generated so far and it continues to amuse!