“In the development of both the content and the formatting of my new website, I turned to Teresa for input. Her exceptional understanding of website development was a tremendous help to me. Through discussions and written scripts, we collaborated to develop a user-friendly product that would serve as an invaluable marketing tool for my business.

“Teresa has a superb grasp on all the factors that need to be considered when mapping out the structure and flow of a website. She also listens to, evaluates, and incorporates the particular features of my business that I need to relay through my website and the desired outcome of producing this tool. I anticipate that my clients, suppliers, and the general public will all find my new website an engaging and useful tool.

“Many many thanks,

Agata Hawrylak
Interior Designer
B.F.A., Dipl. I.D.
613 222 2690

Open Hands’ Clients

For The Open Hands Group, our clients are more than just the people we work for. They’re also our best marketing asset. Our business has been built almost solely on our professional reputations and on the kind recommendations of happy clients.

Over the past fifteen years our clients have included:

Federal Government —

Private Sector —

Non-Government Sector —